Photo by Roman Kraft from Unsplash
Art helps enhance our stories. Those stories that come from our magical memories. Memories made more vivid by the amazing capabilities of our individual perspectives and perceptions.
When we relay those stories in just the right way, we invite the listener to join us on an incredible voyage utilizing their own imagination.
I recently made a conscious decision to try to engage with people who exude friendliness. You must know the type I’m speaking of. The type of people that smile with their eyes when you happen to glance their way.
It’s been my custom to always smile at others, but it takes a certain knowing when others are open to interact in real friendly conversation without agenda. If you’re a bit reserved and skittish, it’s not as easy for some to go that extra step.
The perfect spot to apply this approach is my daily jaunt to the gym. To my delight, I made a new friend pretty quickly. It turns out we both go to the gym every day and we both enjoy getting our cardio in. The only difference is his workout lasts an hour and mine an hour and a half.
Oh that, and the fact he’s 97 years old!
I only learned that bit of information because he informed me his daughter was 67. My reaction was was an emphatic “What?!?”. Then he offered up that he was indeed 97. I again inelegantly repeated, “What?!?”.
That simple interaction led to him sharing the most joyful stories of his life and travels. I could tell that he had the most clear images of those memories in his head. So clear and precise in detail that I was transported to those places back in time along with him.
Photo by Anna Jimenez Cala from Upsplash
The Art of our memories and imagination make it possible to see the impossible. The Art in our minds can be both a time machine and a creator of dreams. Dreams so vast and intricate that it could easily bankrupt any big budget movie studio.
I find that facet of art to be one of the most compelling aspects in the process of creating art.
It was with this in mind that I started and completed my latest artwork titled Partially Obstructed Views.
Being open to changing just a few things in your daily routine can lead to vivid and colorful creations of your heart and mind.
Have you recently changed how you interact with others? Making conversation can be as easy as returning a smile and a friendly “good morning”. Please let me know about your most artful way of engaging with others!
Cheers and All the Best,
Julie (Juju) Hickman
p.s. If you’re so inclined, you can listen to today’s song choice with my new friend in mind. Make Someone Happy by Jimmy Durante